Mindful Walking and Making a Difference

It is well known that spending time in green space has lots of positive effects on both physical and mental well-being. Here at Hengoed we are fortunate enough to have access to 11 acres of  parkland aswell as some glorious walks on our doorstep. Our newly established, and ever expanding, walking group meet regulary to explore all that Hengoed and the surrounding area has to offer. Hengoed grounds offer a sensory experience; igniting and stimulating resident senses, with an abundance to see, hear, smell and touch. Seasonal wildflowers encourage a healthy ecosystem and with each change in season we look forward to revealing something new.

Whilst on walks within the surrounding area, residents had become alarmed at the amount of rubbish they were encountering and noted how “dangerous it is for wildlife and road users”. Spurred on by these comments and a desire to make positive change, the walking group have begun a crusade against littering in the community. The Council kindly provided us with litter pickers, bag hoops and bags to aid our efforts to support the environment and contribute towards positive change in the local community. Residents are really enjoying these sessions and feel a great sense of achievement and pride as a result of their actions. It has also proven beneficial for residents in terms of connecting with peers and keeping active. We will keep you posted as this develops further.

” It is nice to help the environment and give back to the community “.  


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